Sourced from different parts of the world — anywhere natural gas is plentiful, actually — butane is a natural gas derivative. That means it is extracted from natural gas, but does not exist in and of itself in large enough quantities to be useful. Butane is created when natural gas is refined, and also results from the processing of petroleum. It is highly flammable and known for its ability to create a stable flame that can attain temperatures as high as 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit.

Made in the UK, Available Worldwide

Made by Keen-Newport in the United Kingdom, the STok butane brand is associated with a history of quality and purity that few competitors can match. In fact, Keen-Newport started making butane 50 years ago, and its products became a fixture in the market for disposable or refillable lighters soon afterward. When the company expanded and began looking for new markets, the idea for Stok butane was born.