
Puretane 11x – Master Case



Please Read: Puretane is currently shipping 420ml bottles in 72 count Master Cases which is more butane for less.

300ml x 96 = 28,800 mls | 420ml x 72 = 30,240 mls

Master Case of Puretane 11X Ultra Refined Butane – 72 Bottles.

Each bottle is 420ML.

Puretane Refined Butane is one of the very few kinds of highly refined bottled butane refills that are made in the United States which means you can trust the plant it was made in was free of any contaminants. It boasts a 99.9998% purity and is among the very best butane you can get.

It’s laboratory grade n-butane, with only 0.0002% ISO Butane and no propane.

Each bottle comes in at 420ML and the can states that it’s a food grade canister, BPA-free liner, with zero toxic lubricants. Being a US based company ourselves, Butane Source is proud to carry this exceptionally high quality butane on our site for all of our customers to have access to. They have a very thorough MSDS as well which is available via the button click above or on our MSDS page.